
Suppose you want to lock the folder movies in d: which has the path D:\movies.

In the same drive create a text file and type
ren movies movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Now save this text file as loc.bat

Create another text file and type in it
ren movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} movies
Now save this text file as key.bat

you can see 2 batch files loc and key. Press loc and the folder movies will change to control panel and you cannot view its contents. Press key and you will get back your original folder.

another option:

Here is a simple code that i developed to lock and unlock any folder.
copy the code below in notepad and save the file with any file name with the extension ".bat"

ECHO 1 - Lock File
ECHO 2 - Unlock File
ECHO 3 - Quit
ECHO Enter Choice.
SET /P variable=

IF %variable%==3 exit

IF %variable%==2 GOTO UNLOCK

IF %variable%==1 GOTO LOCK

ECHO Enter Folder Name To Lock
SET /P Variable1=
REN %variable1% %variable1%.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

ECHO Enter Folder Name To UnLock
SET /P Variable1=
REN %variable1%.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} %variable1%
  • It is not at all secure.
  • The locked folder can be unlocked using the program or by simply renaming and removing the added code.
  • You can distribute the above code to any one, any number of times


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